session 5
Cities driving both decarbonization and resilience
Looking for Solutions
This panel will begin with a discussion of the different layers of decarbonization collaboration: international, national, and regional. The panel poses the question: how can a city be a civic platform supporting citizen collaboration and bottom-up activities while also providing top-down direction and orchestration to secure the need to accelerate decarbonization and strengthen resilience.
on stage
Taina Tukiainen
Research Director, University of Vaasa – Dr. Taina Tukiainen, has been a professor of corporate entrepreneurship and innovation at Aalto University. Professor Taina Tukiainen has been closely involved with the UN with a focus on leadership, education, research, and venture funding. She has an executive,
senior, and scientific network inside the European Union, and held various positions of trust and leadership.
Anne Stenros
CEO, CreativeCatalyst – Anne Stenros is an architect and a thought leader on strategic design, creative leadership, and strategic foresight. She has acted as a Managing Director of Design Forum Finland and the Executive Director of Hong Kong Design Centre. She has been the Design Director with global responsibility at KONE Corporation, a world-leading elevator and escalator company.
In 2016-2018 she was appointed the first chief design officer CDO of the city of Helsinki. Currently, she is acting as an independent design strategist and senior advisor. She is familiar with global creative leadership, design strategy and innovation, business transformation, and future foresight.
Milla Bruneau
former Executive Director for the Lahti – European Green Capital 2021 project –
Prior to this, she has led several international tv- and film companies. Her experience with the Green Capital initiative evolved from her political career as a decision-maker in the Lahti City Council since 2013. Her interest in city politics rose from following the determination Lahti had in its urban and environmental policy solutions. Also, the conscious decision of her family to settle in Lahti attracted her interest in the decision-making process of her hometown.
Mika Hakosalo
City Development Director, City of Pietarsaari –
Mika Hakosalo’s expertise is in smart sustainable city development, he has worked with the development and execution of Stockholm’s strategy for a smart connected city for years before he started as an Energy and Climate Specialist at the City of Vaasa. In Vaasa Mika developed the program for making the City of Vaasa climate neutral by 2029 latest. Mika started his new work as a City Development Director in the City of Pietarsaari in May 2022 and sustainable city development and resilience are an important part of his work.
Senni Raunio
Specialist, Project development, Climate Leadership Coalition –
Senni Raunio is an economist with experience working for NGOs. At the CLC, the largest business climate network in Europe, she is working as a Specialist in Project Development, and leading CLC’s key projects related to carbon pricing and carbon handprint.
Lennart Widelöv
Founder, Resilient Regions Association –
The Resilient Regions Association is a neutral arena where the business sector, academia, municipalities, and government agencies meet to solve regional challenges. Lennart Widelöv sees moments of crisis, such as the war in Ukraine, as an opportunity to rebuild with an emphasis on resilience and sustainability.