28 August 2020
WALCC 2020 Autumn Forum postponed
At a meeting held on August 26th, 2020, the Board of the World Alliance for Low Carbon Cities reached the decision to postpone the Autumn Forum scheduled for October 13-15, 2020 to be held in Stockholm, Sweden. The Alliance and its organizing partner Stockholm Exergi remain committed to hosting the Forum at such a date as an in-person event of this scale can be safely conducted. The Alliance will announce the rescheduled date of the Forum once this decision has been made.
In lieu of a full Autumn Forum, the Alliance’s Board has decided to expand the Alliance’s Annual General Meeting to a four-hour event hosted virtually on the afternoon of October 13th (13:00-17:00 EET). The AGM will be opened to interested individuals outside of the Alliance’s member-network and will feature presentations from members and partners on the issues and themes they are addressing through their partnership with the Alliance.
Find more information about the Annual General Meeting here.